Apple Tarte Tatin
23 April 2023
Upside down caramel apple tart
Apple Tarte Tatin is a classic French-style apple tart that requires only 4 main ingredients to make. Let me share my take on this beautiful French dessert that turns simple ingredients into something truly magical! What I love most about this recipe is how it transforms basic apples and sugar into a caramelized masterpiece that looks like it came from a Parisian patisserie. It’s different to an American apple tart in many ways: It is baked upside down, the caramel is cooked separately and it is way easier to make than a traditional American apple tart.
Why This Recipe Works
Through careful testing, I’ve found that the magic lies in proper caramelization and apple arrangement. The upside-down cooking method allows the apples to caramelize perfectly while keeping the pastry crisp, creating that signature combination of tender fruit and flaky crust.
Understanding Key Components
- The apples: The choice and preparation of apples is crucial to the tart’s success. Granny Smith apples provide the perfect balance of tartness and structure, maintaining their shape while cooking while providing contrast to the sweet caramel. I used a total of 4 apples, cut into halves. Cutting the apples in halves gives a much rounder look to the apples when cooked but it made my tart quite thick, which i like. However, feel free to cut into thirds, quarters etc a different pattern and more thin tart. Other options include:
- Pink Lady for less tartness
- Honeycrisp for sweetness
- Must be firm cooking apples
- Caramel: it’s a simple caramel with only sugar and butter. The transformation of plain sugar into golden caramel provides both flavor and structure, while butter enriches and smooths the final sauce. Cook the sugar until it’s amber and then stir in the butter. You can also add a touch of cinnamon for extra flavour but it’s totally optional. Be careful during this step because the sugar is very hot. Optional but you could also add a touch of salt to offset the sweetness of the caramel.
- Puff pastry: store bought is completely fine. No need for egg wash.
- When caramelising your sugar, don’t walk away! Sugar can go from amber to burnt very quickly. Be very careful when working with caramel as the sugar is very hot. If you accidentally touched the caramel, place the burned area under cold running water and seek help!
- When you add the butter and cream into your caramel, there could be potential splashing, be very careful and stand a bit away from the stove.
- Be patient and let the sugar melt, no need to stir the sugar.
- Dry apples thoroughly before use. We don’t want any extra moisture inside the tart as it can create steam and make your pastry soggy,
- Tuck pastry edges well. You can use a small butter knife to help you do this.
- Cool slightly before flipping
Storage and Make-Ahead Tips
- Prepare apples ahead of time by a few hours. Keep them soaked in salted water for an hour to prevent browning, rinse then drain and let dry before using
- Cut pastry to size ahead of time but keep it cold in the freeze. Thaw 5 minutes before use
- Make caramel just before assembly
- Best served and consumed same day
Remember: Don’t be intimidated by the caramel step – it’s simpler than it seems, and even if it’s not perfect, it will still be delicious!

4 green smith apples (or any sour cooking apples)
80g white sugar
35g butter, cubed
1 puff pastry sheet, cut to size of pan but leave a 1cm border

- Preheat oven to 180C/350F.
- Peel and core your apples and cut into halves, thirds or quarters (it’s up to you on how you want the final look to be. Halves will give for a more rounder look but thicker tart, quarters will give for a more thinner look). Soak the apple slices in salted water to prevent browning and set aside.
- Make your caramel: in an oven-safe pan over low-med heat, pour in your sugar and melt the sugar until it turns amber. If you prefer a less-sweet, more-bitter caramel then take the sugar to a slightly darker amber. If you prefer a sweeter caramel, you can just wait until every sugar granule is melted and amber and take it off the heat.
- Once the sugar has reached your desired colour, take it off the heat, add in the butter and stir until well combined. Be extra careful in this step because the butter will sizzle and the sugar is hot. Your caramel is essentially done, feel free to add a touch of cinnamon for extra flavour if desired.
- Remove the apples from the salted water and pat dry with a paper towel. Arrange apples neatly on top of the caramel.
- Place the sheet of puff pastry over the top of the apples and use a knife to tuck the edges of the pastry in. Bake at 180C/350F for 45-50 mins or until the pastry is golden brown. Set aside to cool.
- Once cooled, flip the tart upside down onto a plate/chopping board and serve with ice cream.

Apple Tarte Tatin
- 4 green smith apples (or any sour cooking apples)
- 80 g white sugar
- 35 g butter, cubed
- 1 puff pastry sheet, cut to size of pan but leave a 1cm border
- Preheat oven to 180C/350F.
- Peel and core your apples and cut into halves,thirds or quarters (it’s up to you on how you want the final look to be. Halveswill give for a more rounder look but thicker tart, quarters will give for a morethinner look). Soak the apple slices in salted water to prevent browning andset aside.
- Make your caramel: in an oven-safe pan overlow-med heat, pour in your sugar and melt the sugar until it turns amber. If youprefer a less-sweet, more-bitter caramel then take the sugar to a slightlydarker amber. If you prefer a sweeter caramel, you can just wait until everysugar granule is melted and amber and take it off the heat.
- Once the sugar has reached your desired colour, takeit off the heat, add in the butter and stir until well combined. Be extracareful in this step because the butter will sizzle and the sugar is hot. Your caramelis essentially done, feel free to add a touch of cinnamon for extra flavour ifdesired.
- Remove the apples from the salted water and patdry with a paper towel. Arrange apples neatly on top of the caramel.
- Place the sheet of puff pastry over the top ofthe apples and use a knife to tuck the edges of the pastry in. Bake at180C/350F for 45-50 mins or until the pastry is golden brown. Set aside tocool.
- Once cooled, flip the tart upside down onto aplate/chopping board and serve with ice cream.