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Curry Pan

Japanese Curry Bread
Prep Time:1 hour 40 minutes
Cook Time:50 minutes
Course: Bread
Cuisine: Japanese
Keyword: Bread, Curry, Curry Pan, Japanese Curry
Servings: 6 curry pans


Japanese Curry

  • 1 potato, peeled and cubed
  • 1 carrot, peeled and cubed
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 garlic cloved, minced
  • 150 g beef mince
  • 1 cup water
  • 36-40 g Japanese curry cubes (approx. 2 cubes)
  • 1 tbsp ketchup

Bread Dough

  • 180 ml milk, warmed
  • 3 g instant active yeast
  • 20 g sugar
  • 5 g salt
  • 250 g bread flour
  • 25 g butter, softened


  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Panko breadcrumbs


Japanese Curry

  • Prepare curry in advance as it needs to be chilled: In a pan with a drizzle of oil over medium heat, add in the onion, carrots and garlic. Stir-fry for a few minutes until the onion is soft and translucent. Push the veggies onto 1 side of the pan then add and brown your minced beef.
  • Add the potatoes and water, cover and bring to a simmer. Simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Uncover and evaporate the water until there's half left. Add in the curry cubes and ketchup and stir well until the curry is dissolved and combined. Season to taste.
  • Spread the curry thin onto a tray/plate and refridgerate until solid.

Bread Dough

  • In a bowl, combine the warm (body-temperature) milk, yeast and sugar together. Set aside for 5 minutes. In a separate bowl, add in the flour and salt and make a well. Pour in the yeasty milk mixture and knead until well-combined and the dough is not sticky (knead in the bowl first and then pour out onto a clean surface and knead, took me around 5 minutes).
  • Add the butter and knead again for another 5 minutes or until homogenous (the dough will look oily and broken but keep going and trust the process!). Place the dough into a bowl, cover and leave to proof for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
  • Once proofed, pour the dough out on a clean surface, roll into a log and divide into 6 (for large curry pans) or 8 (for smaller curry pans) even pieces. Keep the pieces covered while you work on each one.


  • Take 1 piece of dough and roll out into an even circle that's roughly 1/2cm (1/5th inch) thick. Divide your curry into either 6 or 8 even portions. Place 1 portion of curry onto 1 side of your rolled out dough (like half a moon). Lift up the side of the dough that doesn't have curry onto the other side and cover the curry (like an empanada). Pinch to seal the edges shut (do it well because you don't want the curry to leak out during frying). Repeat until all our dough and curry runs out.

Breading & Frying

  • Prepare your breading station egg and panko breakdcrumbs. Work with 1 curry pan at a time, drop it in the egg and then into the Panko breadcrumbs (pack the breadcrumbs onto the bread well). Repeat for all our curry pans, cover and leave to proof 1 final time for 20 minutes.
  • Heat up a pot of oil to 170-180C or 340F-370F and fry the curry pan until golden. Drained onto a paper towel and enjoy!