In a bowl, combine the yolks, milk, dash of vanilla extract,baking powder and flour together. Whisk until combined.
In a bowl, combine the yolks, milk, dash of vanilla extract,baking powder and flour together. Whisk until combined.
Scoop a third of the meringue mixture into the yolk-flour mixtureand mix vigorously to loosen the thick paste. Then gently fold into the remainingmeringue with a spatula until just combined.
Prepare a slightly oiled pan on low heat. With an ice cream scoop,place one scoop into the pan, followed by a small spoonful of water (to createsteam) and close the lid – let batter cook for 2 minutes.
Uncover and place another scoop of batter on top of thefirst scoop. Add a small spoonful of water again (to create steam), close thelid and let steam for another 2 minutes. Uncover and flip. Add another smallspoonful of water and let steam again for another 2 minutes. Repeat with yourremaining batter. Serve with whipped cream and fresh fruits.